Frequently Asked Questions​

What is Commercio forex?

Commercio forex is unique Investment platform; that is secure, smart, easy-to-use, and completely disrupts the way investments are made with digital assets

When I make an Investment what happens

On confirming your Investment, the our traders start making high impact profiting trades with signals from our AI bots and personal/collective bias.Profit ranging from 10% – 60% is made daily with your invested funds. The ROI of your investment can be withdrawn daily or accrued.

Who can invest?

Anyone can but those familiar with digital assets would find it easier to navigate our platform. But not to worry as our live support team are happy to help you in any way till successfully making your Investment. We made our minimum plan as low as $50 so all social class can benefit from this great platform

What payments are accepted?

Cryptocurrency only. Bitcoin, being the most dominant cryptocurrency with no boundaries anywhere in the world. However, we accept Ethereum and Litecoin since they offer a stable and convenient Blockchain technology.

What other services do we render

Hq traders holds Innovative mentorship programs at a Cost to teach people interested in learning the skill of trading or being a better trader and specifically our Trading System and AI bot Strategies that makes us so much ROI and we are happy to teach all students interested.
Contact Live chat support or email support@commercioforex.com for more enquiries

How do I profit from Commercio forex?

Depending on your investment plan of choice you can have an ROI of 2%, 4% or 10% on a daily basis.

When can I request for withdrawal?


Withdrawals of earning can be made on a daily basis provided the withdrawal amount is greater than or equal to the minimum withdrawal amount for your active investment plan. However your investment deposit can only be made available for withdrawal after the investment duration. Your funds are sent to your provided Cryptocurrency Wallet Address

Are you regulated?

Yes, the Company is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

How do i get Cryptocurrency?

We recommend buying Cryptocurrency from Binance, Luno, Coinmama and Paxful.
These are our trusted cryptoexchange partners

With the nature of the financial market at the moment, how do you make enough profit to offer such daily ROIs?

We have high quality professional traders with years of experience together with the aided advantage of our programmed AI trading bot Our traders can earn high returns from both the Forex and Cryptocurrency Market

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